CBSE Affiliation Report
School Name: Vivekanad Public School, Bihiya, Bhojpur.   Place: Bihiya
Address: Bihiya JagdishPur Road Lala Tola , Dawan Bhojpur 802152 Bihar
Phone: 9472853181 , 82, 83    Email: vps.bihiya@gmail.com
Year Of Est. | NOC Taken | Recognition | Aff. Status |
2005 | Yes | Yes | Affiliated |
Aff. No: | Aff. Since: | School No | U-Dise Code |
330317 | 2011 | 65311 | 10291118402 |
Chairman | Aff. Board. | Trust | Manager |
RP Singh | CBSE | Vivekanand Jan Seva Samiti | Ramesh Kumar Singh |
General Information
Vivekanand Public School (Residential) is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. It follows the syllabus prescribed by the N.C.E.R.T. (National Council for Educational Research and Training). The medium of teaching / learning is English. English is also used as a compulsory medium of communication in the institution.
The Institution
Our institution, Vivekanand Public School' also flourishes under the auspices of the Vivekanand Jan Seva Samiti. It was established, in 2005 by the pioneers and sagas of the society and was affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in 2011. Now the school functions with Montessori classes to X std.
About The Trust
Vivekanand Jan Seva Samiti is an outstanding organization that has made remarkable contribution in various strata of human affairs such. as social, educational, vocational and economic fields. the Society now runs a number of prestigious institutions, 'Vivekanand Public School' is one of them.          
Location Of School
Near Bihiya Railway Station on Bihiya Jagdishpur' road is serene and beautiful, which provides peaceful environment suited for an educational institution. It is comprised of 2.2 acres of land, far away from the flurry of noise of the town is, well-equipped with laboratories, library, reading room, and an expansive play ground besides other facilities required for modern necessities of education.
The medium of instruction is English. Other languages like Hindi and Urdu are part of the curriculum. Special emphasis is given to academic excellence and high standards of morality and discipline are maintained throughout.
Remedial coaching for the weak, midterm and termimal examinations, subsequent appraisal of results after evaluation and constant touch with parents are some of our main features. However the primary classes (I Std to V Std) follow worksheet examinations in every month. This year CBSE has adopted CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation) grading system from IX Std onwards and that the learner is continuously assessed not only in content but in co-scholastic areas of Life skills,
Attitudes and Values, Sports and Games as well as Co-Curricular activities.
This new grading system is already on foot and there will not be any Board Examination for X Std. from 2010-11 academic year onwards except for the students, who leave out of the school. This School also functions on these guidelines of CBSE that a team of well-trained teachers are, continuously monitoring the students achievement on formative and summative level for implementing the CCE method. We also follow the method of Montessori system of education for the tiny toddlers.
Children are the most important asset and most loving wealth of any nation.-! a unique method of education, and materials with which to educate.
Children are the most important asset and most loving wealth of any nation. The golden period of childhood, especially the early years, are very significant for the development of concept formation, personality and other perpetual and cognitive' skills in children: The child possesses an unusual sensitivity and intellectual ability to absorb and learn from his environments that are unlike those of the adult both in quality and capability. Developing habits; attitudes and skills in children in their formative years would go a long way in moulding a societyrich in human resource. It is in this context the Montessori Method of education is, perhaps, the most widely accepted system of child education for the age group of 0 to 10 years. This system was introduced, after years and years of research, by Dr. Maria Montessori of Italy. She was a well known Child Psychologist and Educationalist. According to her, the infancy is the connecting link between generations, to generations.
This method is so designed that the impetus, of the holistic development of the child should come from the child itself. Here the child becomes thecentre of education and the teacher is the only guide and observer, and in this system, the child's personality can be made to flourish find, grow to its fullest potential. 'The pioneering achievements of Dr. Montessori were to recognize the crucial importance ofa child's first six years of development.' It is during this time that a child's power of absorption reache's its zenith. Lifelong attitudes and patterns of learning are
firmly formed in this crucial period She left the world with a wonderful legacy — a philosophy of life, a unique method of education, and materials with which to educate, and a system of training which is capable of producing teachers who give children the best possible foundation of life. Our School is also well-equipped with trained teachers as well as materials required for Montessori System and the course extends a period of two years before they get admitted into I Std.