Fee Structure
Class | Development and Examination Fee | Admission Fee | Security Fee (Refundable) | Registration Form | Total |
Nursery-UKG | 2000 | 500 | 1000 | 200 | 3700 |
I - V | 2000 | 500 | 1000 | 200 | 3700 |
VI - VIII | 2000 | 500 | 1000 | 200 | 3700 |
IX | 2000 | 500 | 1000 | 200 | 3700 |
Class    | Boarding + Lodging (Per Month) | Hostel Security(Refundable One Time) |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Distance | Fee | Mode |
UP TO 03 KM | 500 | Per Month |
Above 03 KM | 800 | Per Month |
0 |
Class | Fee | Mode |
Nursery-UKG | 600 | Per Month |
I - III | 800 | Per Month |
IV - V | 900 | Per Month |
VI - VIII | 1200 | Per Month |
IX - X | 1500 | Per Month |
Mont-I and Mont-II Admission
Admission procedure begins with registration. Registration form and prospectus are available from the office of the school on payment of Rs. 200/-. Date of interview/admission test will be informed after receiving the filled in form. Both boys and girls are admitted to Montessori-I at the age of 3 years and above. Interview with parents is conducted for admission. Attested Xerox copies of original Birth Certificates should be submitted at the time of Mont-I and Mont-II admission. 2 stamp size photos are also required for the admission.
Admission test will be conducted in English, Hindi, Mathematics and General Knowledge for class I admission. Original Birth Certificates is compulsory and two stamp size photos are required at the time of admission. The Birth Certificate will not be returned to the parents once tile admission is over. However, under unavoidable circumstances, copies of the same can be had from the office. Parents should accompany the student at the time of admission.
For admission to classes II-IX is compulsory to pass the admission test in English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science and Social Science, conducted by school Proper Transfer Certificate counter signed by the educational authority (A.E.O./D.E.O.) is required. Admission to class IX will be given only after the verification of the candidate's Registration with C.B.S.E. 1 Stamp size photo is also required.
Promotion is granted on the basis of performance of the student both in academic and extracurricular activities of year's whole period and not. merely on the marks secured in the third terminal examinations. There will be three terminal examinations and three mid-term examinations in a year. Students absent in the examinations for any reason will not be re-examined. However, for IX Std onwards there will be no terminal examinations but four Formative Exams and two Summative Examinations in a year. Under the CCE method, one must not go below the level of grade D. If a student is not able to appear for, the whole or part. of an examination for a valid and accepted reason his/her case will he considered on the strength of year's record. The results declared at the end of the year are final and cannot be reconsidered. The minimum attendance as a pre-condition for promotion shall be 85% of the school day and to pass in It subject the student should secure 40% of the maximum marks.
General Studies
Work Experience
Physical and Health Education
Physical Education is given due importance and coaching for 'football, Volley Ball and for other important games are imparted. Computer Education right from Montessori classes to XII, Training (or Art Education such as Drawing, Music & Dance, Health Education, and various clubs like literary, debate, social science, and natural clubs are also given due prominence. House-wise competition helps to create healthy competition among students. Participation in these areas will help to improve the leamer's grades under the CCE grading system.
Admission Procedures
Code Of Conduct
• Vivekanand Public School accepts both girls and boys for admission as day scholars/ day boarders.
• The admission procedure in brief mentioned below:-
Parents should collect admission brochure and registration form for admission from the school office by paying prescribed fee. The registration and admission form should be duly filled in and submitted to the school office with required documents by stipulated date.
After clearance of requisite documents/requirements, the students will be insured admission in the suitable class.
• Students seeking admission from Std-I onwards will be required to submit :
Transfer certificate from their previous school attended by them beside birth certificate.
For admission in class II to IX students will have to appear and qualify the admission test. Admission test date and time will decided by school authority.
The decision of Principal / Director regarding admisison will be treated as final.
Aadhaar Card is necessary for every students at the time of admission.
Collection Of Fee
The structure of fees payable. for the current academic year is given in Appendix-I.The tuition fee will be collected term wise, in the beginning of each term. The dates for payment are as follows:-
I-Term: 1 April to 15 April (with fine up to 30 April) (The newly admitted students are required to pay the 1st Term fee along with the other fees at the time of admission).
II-Term :1 July to 15 July (with fine up to 31 July).
III-Term :1 Oct. to 15 Oct. (with fine up to 31 Oct).
IV-Term :1 Jan. to 15 Jan. (with fine up to 31 Jan).
In case the last day for payment is a holiday, the previous working day will be considered as the last day for payment. A fine of Rs 5/- will be levied per day for late payment. Fee for the last term must be paid before the final examination. Failure to pay the fee on time may result in the removal of name from the rolls .of the school. (Note: All Demand Drafts should be drawn in favor of Vivekanad Public School, cheques will not be accepted). The caution deposit will be refunded at the end of the course after deducting the outstanding dues if any. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.